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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Next Up, and my experience with films based on books.

I am nearing the completion of "The Sound and the Fury" (thank the lordy) which means it was time to randomize myself up a new book.  Up after my Faulkner marathon will be "All the King's Men" (1946) by Robert Penn Warren.

This will be interesting, as I did see the 2006 Film based off of this novel, so I do know the basic story already.  I do tend to like reading a book before I see a film based on it.  That started when I was young and wasn't allowed to see PG-13 rated films yet.  Since I couldn't see Jurassic Park right away when it came out in theaters...I was ten or eleven at the time.... I read the book.  For anyone who is familiar with Jurassic Park the novel, which is filled with talk of genetics, biological engineering, chaos theory, and computer engineering and programming to name a few areas of science, it wasn't an easy read for a ten year old. I got through it though, and was excited to see the film.  Thanks to that book however, I was probably the only ten year old in the US disappointed with the film version of Jurassic Park.  It was so different from the book!  Half of the stuff I liked from the book was missing.  Characters weren't all the same.  Some people who died in the book lived in the movie.  Huge plot points were missing (spoiler alert: the island gets destroyed at the end.) Thanks to Jurassic Park, I realized at a young age that when you have a choice between the two, you probably can't go wrong with reading the book as opposed to seeing the film.  It also helped me to learn that just because you have seen the film, that doesn't mean you have the whole story as it was originally meant to be told. See: Lord of the Rings, The.  Anyway, bring on "All the King's Men"

It has also been brought to my attention that "The Sound and the Fury" was made into a film in the 1950's. 

I'll Pass.

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